+++ LABELNIGHT NO.10 +++
"Labelnight No. 10 pres. by Neu, kaputt /w Andrew Collberg & Dolphins"
We are heading back to Arty Farty in Cologne, Ehrenfeld, to host Labelnight No. 10 with our friends from Neu, kaputt! We will celebrate the release of “Popcorn Graveyard,” Andrew Collberg’s forthcoming album. There will be live performances by Andrew Collberg and the Leipzig duo Dolphins for the special occasion. And stick around afterward for DJ sets from Savsannah, Der Assistent & Keshavara. Looking forward to experiencing a night of sonic cosmos with you!
Friday 22.03.24
Doors 19:37
Arty Farty, Cologne
Tickets sold at the door
Pre-order Andrew Collberg’s limited 12″ LP on fresh blue vinyl. Order yours now on Bandcamp!
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